IKF Diaries | S2 Ep. 21 | IKF Does Mexico Part 3

There has been a lot of talk about this episode. A lot of positive comments and maybe even more negative comments. Questions like “How can the US lose in a sport it built?” and Comments like, “Y’all r ass” have been on my youtube page and IG feed. While we got BEAT (And I mean badly) there are a few things worth noting about this game.

  1. UDLAP Aztecas are the best university in Mexico. They are the equivalent of an Alabama in the US. The rest of the notes are not to take anything away from their talent but rather to give you insight into the challenges we had to overcome.
  2. The Aztecas practice together year round vs our team practicing 2 days.
  3. The Aztecas had about 70 men suited up to our 24.  This was a huge advantage as they rotated fresh legs into the game frequently.
  4. Puebla is at an elevation of 8,000 feet.  This is about 50% higher than Mile High Stadium, making it harder to get oxygen to your muscles to replenish energy. It’s kind of like breathing through a straw. (Ok not that bad, but you get the idea).
  5. Game Day was 90 degrees.  This heat factor coupled with the high altitude and low rotation got us tired very fast.

Many people commented that it look like people gave up, and that tackling was poor.  I can tell you we were TIRED.  I was so dehydrated at one point, I was so discombobulated that I couldn’t find the line of scrimmage.  My teammate was so tired, I saw him struggling to just get his mouthguard in.  He literally couldn’t find his mouth to place his mouthguard.

Overall, this game was a great opportunity.  We are looking for more talent to stock this team to increase our numbers and increase the talent level.  You can join THIS Facebook group to apply.

Watch episode 21 – IKF Does Mexico Part 3 – below.


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